'Maida Unveiled' features 'London Plein Air visits Little Venice'
1 September 2022
Delighted that our group ‘The London Plein Air Group’ has been featured in the latest issue of ‘Maida Unveiled’ magazine.
In the month of October 2023 while our group was out painting on the monthly paintout event at Little Venice, we were spotted by the editors of the magazine who expressed their wish to write an article on us.
I personally feel very honoured as my painting was not only chosen to be on the ‘Cover page’ of the magazine but I am also the featured artist in the issue, which I think is super generous of them.
Some of the works of the group members are featured in it too which is rather very exciting!
Read more:
- ‘London Plein Air Group’ @londonpleinairgroup (on instagram) was founded by Carol Owen and (yours truly) Tushar Sabale in 2021 with an idea to bring artists together to come along and paint in the city of London. It has more than 100 members and is continuously growing.
- ‘Maida Unveiled’ is a magazine( digital as well as paper ) and voice of Maida Vale Society (1962) also known as W9W2, that exists to defend and improve amenities, physical environment, safety and facilities within Maida Vale, Little Venice and Paddington areas.
The digital copy can be read here: